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Replens, 2102[^]0139291 MD Vaginal Moisturiser - 6 Pack

Replens MD Vaginal Moisturiser provides safe and immediate relief from the discomfort of vaginal dry
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Replens, 2102[^]0139291 MD Vaginal Moisturiser - 6 Pack
Replens MD Vaginal Moisturiser provides safe and immediate relief from the discomfort of vaginal dryness caused due to menopause, nursing, medications, or monthly tampon use. Unlike a personal lubricant, Replens provides soothing, clinically proven relief to naturally restore vaginal moisture for days. It is long-lasting - just one application lasts for three full days.This product is non-hormonal and Oestrogen free.How can it help?Replens can help reduce the symptoms of vaginal atrophy, drynes (Barcode EAN=5010724529270)

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